Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Review of the keurig B40 Elite

Hello fellow Blog readers today im going to review my keurig b40 elite brewer.
So the keurig brewer is a single cup coffee maker that uses special coffee pods known as kcups. I got my brewer for $119.95 .When you buy the keurig here is what comes in the box.
In the box:
Keurig b40 elite brewer
water tank
drip tray
and a sample pack of kcups.

When you assemble everything which means putting the water tank on the brewer and putting on the drip tray. This is what it looks like:

I have been using the keurig now for about 4 months and its the best thing to use to start my morning.
to use the keurig simply fill the tank with water, lift kcup handle, put kcup into brewer close handle choose brew size and enjoy! The keurig elite has 2 brew sizes small (8 oz) and large (10 oz).
When you first turn it on it takes a minute to heat up then it takes 60 seconds to brew. unlike pod coffee makers the keurig does not vibrate when it brews. The keurig elite brewer is my favorite coffee maker. the only complaint i have is the price of kcups. The price isn't that bad if you consider the cost of convenience and cost of excellent coffee.
So what are you wating for If you want a coffee maker thats easy to use while making the best cup of java then get the keurig elite.    Click here to buy the keurig B40 elite brewer

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Its a summer day!

Today feels like summer. its 80 dergrees outside here in massachusetts. I feel like im going to die because its so hot outside. I do not have a air conditioner but i have a ice cream maker. Tomorrow im going to the store to buy some vanilla extract to make ice cream. I will make a post about my ice cream.

Question of the day: How do you cope with the heat?

Friday, March 16, 2012

What type of teas do you like.

Hello so today im going to talk about some of the teas i drink. im not a huge fan of teas im mostly a coffee drinker but i came across a site thats very useful for tea drinkers. The only teas i drink is jasmine,earl grey and tropical teas. you may say loose tea prices are very expensive especially at those tea shops. Its more expensive then coffee. up until now i had to pay high dollar amounts for tea until i discovered   teavivre.com  At  teavivre.com tea prices are half the cost of the same exact tea you would buy at your local tea shops. so now ive been enjoying my tea at a very low price. i think if your a major tea drinker you should check out teavivre.com

Question of the day: whats your favorite tea?